DESTINE reaches EPALE, the European Commission platform for adult learning

  • Symplexis, one of the partners of the consortium, published an article about DESTINE project in the EPALE website
  • The article is the result of an online peer learning activity organised by Symplexis with VET teachers to improve their diversity-tolerant e-classroom skills

DESTINE project has reached EPALE, an European Commission initiative that seeks for the promotion of adult learning. Christina Bonarou, project manager at Symplexis (one of the DESTINE project partners), has published an article about an activity organised by the Greek organization, including the main tasks and objectives of DESTINE. This publication is a sign of the relevance of the project, its commitment to the values that the EU and the Erasmus + fund disseminates and synergies that consortium is creating.

Symplexis, as a partner in the Erasmus+ DESTINE Project, organised online a peer learning activity on September with the participation of 12 VET teachers/trainers and internal staff who are directly involved in educational practices and wish to improve their diversity-tolerant e-classroom skills. Similar learning activities have been or will be organised by all project partners within the month.

Symplexis’ pilot workshop for DESTINE combined online & self-directed training, aiming to provide essential e-tools and online resources to empower professionals to adapt effectively to the e-learning methodology, promoting at the same time diversity, tolerance and inclusion. As a result, participants enhanced their knowledge and skills in diversity-tolerant e-classroom practices, contributing to the advancement of inclusive education in the VET sector.

At the same time, participants’ constructive feedback will help the project consortium to fine tune the e-learning platform’s development. The project’s e-platform will remain active and as already mentioned it addresses VET teachers/trainers and related staff who want to be better equipped so as to create inclusive and supportive e-classroom environments, fostering a positive impact on both themselves and their learners.

Afterwards in the article, it is explained a brief description of the project, with its scope of work and objectives. This description also show the DESTINE MOOC platform as an open tool for VET teachers to promote diversity, tolerance and therefore inclusiveness within an online and distance learning environment.


Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is the European Union’s renewed programme in the fields of education and training, youth and sport, offering opportunities for all people and in all education sectors (School Education, Professional Training, Higher Education and Adult Education). This new Erasmus+ is more international, more inclusive, more digital and greener, supporting digital transformation, inclusion and diversity, as well as the environment and the fight against climate change. With a budget of more than €28 billion, it will fund learning-related mobility and cross-border cooperation projects for 10 million people of all ages and from all backgrounds. “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


The Erasmus + DESTINE (DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment) project was born with the aim of promoting online professional training that ensures support for diversity, inclusion and tolerance, providing the necessary tools for all professionals and students to adapt to the e-learning methodology. DESTINE focuses especially on those vocational training students who need a learning environment adapted to their needs.


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