Summer time: vacation, free-time… and a chance to specialise in any topic you want!

  • Not only students, also professionals can take a great advantage of the summer courses
  • Online courses are a useful tool that contributes to digitalization process and effectiveness of face-to-face education

After some weeks of a well-deserved rest, the nerves of the last exams and deliveries have given way to the usual calm of summertime. However, summer can be a time to expand knowledge or acquire experiences that in the future, might open more doors in the working world. On this occasion, it is time to talk about summer courses.

In case there is anyone who is not familiar with this concept, summer courses consist of classes designed in short periods of time (in this case, the summer weeks), for educational purposes. The courses are not only conceived for those who are still immersed in their student stage, there are many professionals who apply this training to update their curricula and give more quality to their work. These courses can be considered as an opportunity to learn more about a specific topic, having more time during these weeks in which academic and work activity usually decreases.

Within the offer of courses, we can find online and face-to-face courses, although we are going to pay special attention to the advantages offered by online courses. Surely, when thinking about distance education, the first advantages that come to mind are the time and space flexibility, as online classes are available at any time and on online platforms. Obviously, these are great incentives, although other virtues of this are sometimes overlooked.

Online education contributes to the digitalization process and can be a tool to improve the effectiveness of face-to-face education, since having to adapt the contents to a digital environment allows for their revision and adaptation to a student body that is increasingly familiar with new technologies. On the other hand, remote teaching allows the dissemination of knowledge in environments more prone to protect values such as diversity and tolerance. Of course, all partners that are part of DESTINE Project share those values, that enhance online learning meanwhile ensures support for diversity, inclusion and tolerance.

For example, you can dedicate these weeks to specialize in hard skills (such as learning how to use a video editing program) or soft skills (improving your teamwork skills). Maybe, these weeks might be also a great opportunity to learn more about the European Union (its legislative process, funding, cohesion policies,…).


Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is the European Union’s renewed programme in the fields of education and training, youth and sport, offering opportunities for all people and in all education sectors (School Education, Professional Training, Higher Education and Adult Education). This new Erasmus+ is more international, more inclusive, more digital and greener, supporting digital transformation, inclusion and diversity, as well as the environment and the fight against climate change. With a budget of more than €28 billion, it will fund learning-related mobility and cross-border cooperation projects for 10 million people of all ages and from all backgrounds. “This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”


The Erasmus + DESTINE (DivErSity and Tolerance IN E-Environment) project was born with the aim of promoting online professional training that ensures support for diversity, inclusion and tolerance, providing the necessary tools for all professionals and students to adapt to the e-learning methodology. DESTINE focuses especially on those vocational training students who need a learning environment adapted to their needs.


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